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For People Who Love Literature
Years Ago



Costume Contest

    The music blared from Shoshanna Amos’ mansion. It was so loud that most of her neighbors believed that it could raise the dead. Well, either that or summon the Mounties over for a late night visit. Surely, they would enjoy the opportunity to join in the Halloween festivities over at the fanciest property in all of Sunnyside. Her parents never seemed to mind the noise but then again, they were never home.    The conditions they stipulated were simple enough: no sex, no drugs and no alcohol. Typical parent stuff but that wasn’t even the hardest part for Shoshanna; what annoyed her the most was their last request. “You ha

Critiques in Progress

330 deviations

Yato is a father

Sorry, but I just can't stop talking about Yato & Yukine's beautiful father/son relationship in Noragami. :D Previous! Definitely check it out before! Their father / son relationship is drawn in official art too: I love how Yato's talking to Kazuma like: "How could you betray your little brother's trust like that! He looks up to you!" :XD: Here's the previous one!

Essays and Journals

490 deviations


4480 deviations

Fantasy and Historical

1795 deviations

Why does everyone hate Caillou?

Welcome. Today I am not here to speak ill of the character, but to speak of the real reasons why everyone hates him and why he is one of the most hated characters in the history of cartoons. The reason many people hate Caillou is because he has high emotional complexity at complete levels, without many or no physical difficulties and disadvantages to demonstrate complex attitudes and actions (even because he does not have many syndromes and symptoms that make him have physical difficulties in expressing many attitudes and actions, and this causes the person to demonstrate these strong attitudes at the wrong times at the wrong and inopportune times, for extremely wrong motives in a matter of interruption, because of the imbalance and lack of control of their own human attitudes and actions), high credulity and optimism in negative ways, opportunism and intolerance of high levels, and has a very low self-esteem. I know, I know he is still a 4 year old child, but I am just passing on

General Fiction

2551 deviations

USS JFK renamed USS RealDonaldTrump? - The Blah

USS John F. Kennedy to be renamed USS @RealDonaldTrump? American “President” Donald Trump has demanded that the US Navy’s latest aircraft carrier be renamed after him, because of course he fucking has. “Speaking” at a rally of gormless fuckwits that hang on every syllable that trickles out of his noise-hole, Trump announced his plans to desecrate the memory of John F. Kennedy in a way even Nixon would think was going a bit too far. ‘I mean,’ Trump slurred, ‘why, why, why should we be calling ships after dead men? I’m a better President than he ever was, amarite? Amarite? ‘I-I-I-I-I-I-I mean I like his choice in women. I really do. I’d do Marilyn Monroe too and I once grabbed Jackie O by the pussy and she wouldn’t fuck me even though I’m a star. But that doesn’t matter because she was very old by then. Very bad face-lift. Very bad. But Kennedy was a spazzy liberal and didn’t like the very fine people that were running the South at the time, very fine people, they’d have liked Donald


435 deviations

Lying On My Front Doorstep

Today, I opened my front door to find intestines on my doormat, coiled up like a snake sleeping in the sunlight. And all I could do was sigh and call the cops again. Every third of the month, I'll open my front door to find some organ or body part lying on my doormat. As if it were a gift or a package I ordered. For some reason, they are always clean, like someone carefully washed off the blood, viscera, and evidence on them, leaving no trace of the culprit or whatever violence they performed. The first time it happened, they left me an appendix. I remember crying for several days. Nowadays, I've accepted it. I don't want to. I know what's happening is horrible, but it has been going on for so long that I've grown jaded to the horror of it. It's a part of my life now, a part I never wanted. The first time the police came around, they searched my tiny apartment, combing it for anything suspicious. They searched the surrounding area as I waited around nervously. After an hour or so


743 deviations

Mature Content

419 deviations

Becky and Cass-Game Expos and Cosplay Danger(2)

Part 1 Becky started to kneel down to help pick up the comics when she saw Daryl, the rude guy she'd talked to earlier, enter the same exhibit Julie had disappeared into, "Uh, Cass. Did you see that?" "No. I assume it was a bad guy?" "An evil version of the Witcher, so, yeah," Becky retorted, "I think this is a diversion for something else, and my biggest suspect just showed up." "Things falling apart for a diversion, for what?" Cass queried. "I haven't had a moment to fill you in, just trust me on this." "Let's go," Cass said simply

Mystery and Suspense

366 deviations

Juliet Gretterwood elatkozott festmenye 11.Fejezet

11. FEJEZET EGY REJTÉLYES HALÁLESET Yoko egy órával korábban ért be a kórházba. A bejárati ajtónál két őr állt, Jim és Hank. Kávéval a kezükben, álmos arccal bámultak ki a fejükből: - Hosszú lehetett számotokra az éjszaka fiúk! – integetett Yoko - Jaaaj, ne is mond. – ásított Hank - Egész éjjel azt a nyavalyás zárt osztályt kellett figyelnünk! – morgott Jim - Miért mi történt? – Yoko számára nem volt új, hogy a biztonsági rendszer nem működik megfelelően. Ezért a hangja sem volt meglepett. - A héten már ez a negyedik alkalom, hogy meghal a rendszer, és most még az áram is elszállt. Átok a technikára! – felelte Hank - Még jó, hogy a generátor működött. 2 órán át nem volt áram. A zizisek közül az egyik kis híján meglógott. Micsoda őrület van ott! – Jim nagyot szürcsölt kávéjából - Maryann… - mondta halkan Yoko – Amióta itt van, minden… kifordulni készül a sarkából. Mi jöhet még? - Átkozott az a lány én mondom! - Jim, fejezd be! Átok nélkül meg sem bírsz lenni! Nem átkozott, csak

Non-English Works

695 deviations

Damsels in Distress No More

If there's one thing that I find problematic, it's how some people are portrayed as stereotypes, regardless of their race or gender. In the world of literature, there are many stereotypes about fantasy characters, like wizards and knights, that are still around today. But I'm not going to talk about those people. I'm going to talk about the way some people perceive princesses, and how unfair I think it is. Some people say that that a princess should be kidnapped by an evil villain who locks her away somewhere, and then a hero (usually a handsome prince or a knight in shining armor) has to come and rescue her, and then the princess must reward the hero with a kiss afterwards. They think some princesses should be weak, helpless damsels in distress who have to be protected from harm all the time. All. The. Time. I've heard this sort of thing from books about damsels in distress who are put in danger by an evil villain and get saved by young men who, nine times out of ten, mostly want

Non Fiction

585 deviations


12 deviations

Holiness is for all

Holiness is about our constant ongoing faithful relationship with God, despite our difficulties; sufferings; weaknesses and sins. Holiness count for much about our faithful relationship(1) with God than our virtuous and charitable deeds— how much we love and honour God despite our weaknesses and sins; how much we strive to be at peace with God. Holiness is concerned with a life that is simple, and outstanding in a way that leaves a fragrance of our God relationship, in everything that we do. Holiness calls for being a living witness of God— at all times, in all places. On the path of Holiness, repentance is the first step that brings us closer to God. The commandment of love helps to strengthen and perfect us in our God relationship— making us Holy. 1. An act of honour to God— doing our best in our daily chores and assignments; an act of faith— through prayer and scripture reading; an act of thanksgiving— throughout the day; an act of humble submission, in the reverence of God—

Philosophy and Perspectives

804 deviations

Breathe Me In (I dance alone)

You're like my cachaça de café All in all you're sweet and heady Like lilac wine, a dream-like fantasy An urging, I can only get when I'm on the upside But you have a bitter undertone Feelings keep getting out of tempo Do you also want to come undone? Your bitterness doesn't drive me away Because I'm in love with everything that makes us the same And different The sweetness makes me dizzy, I giggle like a child again I feel young, discovering something special, my heart's washed on the bay Innocence bleeding on the shore the wind sprays The bitterness wakes me up and tells me "thank god, I'm not dreaming this" But hey, I just really want to know Whats the criteria to be in your lungs? Become what you breathe Be lethal, everything It's just that I never felt this way before And I know, the handle is cold But whatever's on the other side of the door I fear it is just what I'm looking for The floorboards creak The room shakes, trying to expel me away But I take cautious steps, you're


9628 deviations

In a quiet afternoon [Ita]

«Qual è il tuo colore preferito?» La domanda era piombata come un macigno, in quel tranquillo pomeriggio autunnale di un quartiere periferico dell’Aia. Lilith, seduta su di un divano in finta pelle bianco al centro di un piccolo appartamento arredato in stile minimal, alzò gli occhi dal plico di documenti che stava leggendo, e rivolse uno sguardo perplesso ad Izanami, sdraiata all’altro capo del divano in finta pelle bianco, una rivista in una mano, e nell’altra una penna a cui stava mordicchiando il tappo. «Prego?» Izanami sbuffò e alzò le mani, esibendo un’espressione fin tropp


1051 deviations

PCS: In the Beginning

[EXT. Turismo Beach - Noon 1980s] There were kids breakdancing to early Hip Hop, muscle dudes, hot girls in bikinis, hot dog stands, old folks, a mix of cheapo hatches, old and abused American Couples, and high tech modern sport cars passing by. Danny [V.O] “Paradise City, a city of dreams, a city of luxuries, but most importantly a city of Vices.” Turn Up The Radio by Autograph started to play as the Camera flies into a sun faded blue 1970 Carson Rattler Convertible. [INT. Car Interior] There are two guys in the car. The driver is a brown dog with reddish brown hair, he is wearing a blue letterman Jacket. The Passenger is a gray


25 deviations
The Great Unknown - Multimedia

Songs and Lyrics

540 deviations

Scenes of a Winter Evening

The evening - cold and leaf strewn Around trees that stand bare, Like a muffled voice, echoes ghost-like Within veils of silvered winter air. The orange clouds fade and sink Behind these distant hills, Where mist floods the valleys like water, Silent and silver as she fills. As birds chatter, flock and roost, The darkness begins to moulder, I stand upon this ancient place, Us both another day older. Mist seems to beckon me, With hushed whispers of the past, Of loves lost and dreams found, Spiralling with spells cast. And bare trees stand silhouette Against the pale cold sky, Their branches, black and reaching, To bright stars that never d

Spiritual and Occult

174 deviations

Science Fiction

725 deviations

In a Bubble

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author owns exclusive rights to this story. ____________________  “It's the strangest thing, being alone.” Stephanie turned her head to the side slightly, giving Derek a look of complete disbelief. “How in the world do you figure that you're alone?” He jumped a bit, nearly losing his balance from his perch on the metal handicapped support railing running along the sidewalk. Glaring at his cousin as she leaned against the rail, he stepped down to the concrete walk, straightening his ripped black tee shirt and

Worth 1000 Contest

5 deviations